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Human Behavior Hacker Intrigues Levy Senior Center Crowd

Updated: Jan 8, 2020

Oct. 15, Levy Lecture Audience Learned About Face Reading

Susan Ibitz describes her professional skill in five words: “I choose to hack people.”

For more than 20 years she has studied and compiled data that helps paint pictures of individuals based on how they look. The list of anatomical aspects of her studies include head shape, placement and size of moles, skin complexion, number and position of wrinkles, eyebrow shape and position in relation to the eye, ear size and position on the head, and symmetry.

Face-reading, or physiognomy, has been a part of various cultures going back centuries. In 1920, a U.S. Superior Court Judge in California, Edward Vincent Jones, observed that people charged with similar crimes had facial characteristics in common. He started keeping track of these traits and became well-known among law enforcement officials.

Ms. Ibitz shared some traits one can observe by looking at specific parts of the body. For instance, the mouth is the center of communications and reveals how one is feeling.

Eyebrows show thinking patterns.

Eyes reveal social connection with others, intimacy levels and attention to details.

Ears take in information. Cheeks reveal power, stamina and energy. The jaw and the chin are the site for conflict resolution and show choices, ethics and practicality.

Facial symmetry is associated with beauty; the more symmetrical one’s features, the more beautiful one is perceived to be.

Even The Walt Disney Company uses character’s faces to convey characteristics. Ms. Ibitz showed a group of four sinister Disney characters. Each one possessed angled eyebrows, an arched nose, abundant eyelids and a pointy chin, Ms. Ibitz, said.

“These features together mean that they are disconnected about feelings from others. They don’t have compassion for others, they don’t compromise and they can manipulate. Also, they are very creative in solving their problems by finding the best evil plans to use against the good ones. They are independent, which is why they like to act alone.”

The next Levy Lecture will be at 1 p.m. on Nov. 12. Cheryl Judice, Ph.D., will discuss the research behind her new book, “Interracial Relationships Between Black Women and White Men.” The lectures are free and sponsored by the Levy Senior Center Foundation. Register here.

Photos by Jenna Braunstein


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