We celebrated the Luck of the Irish at the Levy Center! A huge thanks to all of our dinner guests and the incredible performers who joined the fun.

The Levy Senior Center Foundation hosted a St. Patrick's Day dinner at the Center on Friday, March 8. Guests enjoyed a dinner of corned beef, cabbage, and choice of drink.

After dinner, the Midlothian Pipe Band marched in to perform a number of traditional Scottish and Irish songs. Between songs, the performers took turns discussing the history, heritage, and design of bagpipes. Bagpipes have a number of uses including in battle, in honor of fallen firefighters, for communication, and, of course, for celebrations. After one guest asked about the weight of bagpipes, she even got to test how heavy it felt (a bit heavier than a gallon of milk!).

As guests enjoyed dessert, a duo of local Irish step dancers entertained everyone with a lively performance. Their dance studio owner answered questions about Irish step dancing and discussed performances like Riverdance and Lord of the Dance.
The Levy Senior Center organizes the St. Patrick's Day dinner and the Foundation sponsors the event. We're happy to have a fantastic partnership with the Center and look forward to working together to sponsor more Center events soon.