On Nov. 13, as part of the Levy Lecture Series, Ms. Biddle traveled to the Levy Senior Center to talk about her experience and professional successes as an Animal Communicator.
Carolee Biddle has always loved animals. Now she earns her living helping humans communicate effectively with their pets and farm animals.
On Nov. 13, as part of the Levy Lecture Series, Ms. Biddle traveled to the Levy Senior Center to talk about her experience and professional successes as an Animal Communicator.
The audience, consisting mostly of current or former pet-owners and -lovers, sat rapt as Ms. Biddle described her training, methodology and philosophy about her work.
She believes that humans are “guardians” of animals rather than “owners,” and that animals are capable of feeling and perceiving through their senses just as humans are. She is certain animals talk to humans and to other animals telepathically and that most humans have not been taught to be receptive or to “hear” these messages.
What would animals want their humans to know about them? Ms. Biddle shared her tips with the group. First on her list is a home where animals feel safe, secure and worthy.
Humans should work on being consistent with messages, speaking rather than yelling and showing disappointment instead of anger when there is an unwanted behavior. That means no smiling or laughing, no matter how cute the animal may be. There should be consequences – i.e., a time-out – for not following the rules. She also suggests distracting animals into play for unwanted behaviors like barking or biting.
Human clients contact Ms. Biddle for a variety of reasons, a pet experiencing physical and/or behavioral issues, concerns about an imminent change within the family or the animal’s living environment, or death and dying. She always meditates before each session and prefers not to be in the same room with the animal during her consultation, instead communicating over the telephone. She also makes clear that her work is not meant to replace veterinary care.
Before a session, Ms. Biddle asks to receive a photo of the animal with whom she will be communicating. The most productive sessions occur when the animal is in a familiar, comfortable space, has already been fed and walked – in short, will not be distracted.
To make their time together as efficient as possible, Ms. Biddle asks that the animal’s owner have questions written down and be ready to take notes. Once the messages start to flow, it is almost impossible to remember everything that Ms. Biddle shares with the animal’s owner.
During a session Ms. Biddle speaks to the animal’s owner but focuses on the animal. She reads the animal’s energy and picks up feelings from a distance, essentially talking to the animal telepathically.
Some of the tools she uses include clairvoyance (seeing images or pictures), clairaudience (perceiving sounds inaudible to humans), clairsentience (receiving psychic energy through feelings or emotions) and claircognizance (clear knowing, without being told).
Ms. Biddle says she sees her role as a guide: She helps two creatures, one human and one animal, communicate better with one another.
Ms. Biddle spoke warmly about her late teacher, Rebecca Moravec, a Master Animal Communicator, whose spirit still guides Ms. Biddle’s work every day. She recognizes that there is some resistance to the idea of people being able to communicate with animals, a major reason Ms. Biddle was eager to accept the Levy Senior Center Foundation’s invitation to speak as part of the Levy Lecture Series. She enjoys increasing awareness about an unfamiliar subject. Ms. Biddle acknowledges, “Telepathy is a skill that can be taught, but it requires an open mind.”
When it came time to take questions from the audience, many hands were raised. Ms. Biddle patiently answered each one, offering encouragement and suggestions. Animals have a lot to say to humans if they would only be open to hearing them, she said.
More information is available on her website, www.animal-connections.com.
Recap, courtesy LSCF board member Wendi Kromash, was originally published in the Evanston RoundTable.